28-11-1 Tyler Wright

This board is part of the Craig’s collection, and is one of Tyler Wright’s personal riders.

1-35-1 Tom Wergener

1 35 1 Tom Wergener350

These boards maybe made in the new era, but they are still excellent examples of the true craftsmanship needed when building timber boards.

139-1-1 Skipp

Skipp 1

Skipp surfboards were, in my opinion, the best boards from Wollongong on the south coast of NSW. This board was shaped by Frank Latta. RIP. Frank was a great surfer and shaper extraordinaire, during the re-emergence of the Malibu contests Frank’s boards were one of the most common!

131-8-1 Mambo


This board is part of Peter’s collection. Made for Mambo usually as a promo board, but they were sought after and are still a great collector’s item. I don’t know who shaped them or made them so if you can give me a bit of info it would be appreciated. rob@museumofsurf.com

202-16-1 MS Twin Fin

This board is a part of the RF collection. Mitchell Surnam makes these high-quality surfboards on the Sunshine Coast in Qld, a well-respected manufacturer and a nice bloke to go with it.   [modula id=”6445″]

162-1-1 Pipedream

162-1-1 Pipedream This board is a part of Wayne’s collection shaped by Earle Pederson and has the master artist Jim Davidson’s spray featuring the Pig Of Steel, Captain Goodvibes.